We are pleased to release GeoDesk Version 0.1 EA.

As this is still an Early Access release, some documented features may not yet be available. Please check the release notes for details.

The following GitHub repositories are now publicly accessible:

Please visit our download page for pre-built binaries, and check out the GeoDesk Tutorial for a quick introduction.

You will need to install the gol tool in order to build geographic object libraries from OpenStreetMap data. Alternatively, you can use the sample tile set (covering Switzerland only), which is available at https://data.geodesk.com/switzerland. Total size of this tile set is just under 400 MB. Tiles are automatically downloaded if you specify this URL when opening a local GOL.

We appreciate your feedback! Reach out on GitHub if you run into difficulties, and follow @GeoDeskTeam to receive updates on future releases and other helpful tips about OpenStreetMap and geospatial software.